Why Pathway2Career

With the proper support, pursuing a college education is a great way to improve one’s prospects and become more competitive in the job market. Pathway2Career Consulting provides parents of college-bound students with experienced guidance and resources every step of the way. Their independent advising services provide impartial advice on college choices, clarification on admissions policies, information on scholarships and financial aid, and assistance in compiling applications that best suit their students. Pathway2Career Consulting also understands the nuances of different universities and leverages expert staff to ensure your student avoids hasty mistakes in choosing where to pursue higher education. With this qualified end-to-end assistance from top professionals, parents with the means should strongly consider leveraging Pathway2Career Consulting for guidance in helping their college-bound students gain entry into their preferred universities.

Professional Affiliations

Yeraz Benlian

Hours: Monday-Friday (9:00 am- 6:00pm PST)
(818) 913-9919